As old paradigms shatter and everything long hidden is revealed, it feels undeniably evident that humanity and planet Earth are undergoing a grand transformation

If you are willing to see it, evidence of the shift is everywhere you look. Curious, critically-thinking and awakened people all around the world are beginning to draw new conclusions about the nature of our reality on planet Earth, and discovering bit by bit, the truth of the planet’s history and our human origins. But the path to uncovering truth has many twists and turns. As disclosure increases, and it becomes difficult to understand what is happening and what is true, you can use your inner discernment as the barometer to test the information that resonates, especially as the plot becomes more bizarre by the day. Remember that no matter how tumultuous the outer drama may appear, you are safe, and at the soul level, you chose to be here during this great time of ascension. Here are just a few indicators that disclosure is here and it’s time to question everything:

  • The Global Pandemic – From a spiritual perspective, the pandemic called into question who and what is the authority of your life and sovereignty. It asked us to choose whether to tap our inner knowing as a guide for truth, or whether to believe in and follow the fear-based version of truth that was broadcasted in the external program. When you stop taking your directions from outer sources and attune to the inner voice INSIDE, you are truly onto something! This simple idea is the launching pad for unleashing your creative superpowers and placing yourself on the ascenion trajectory. Use your discernment. When you hear information in the outer world, is the intent to create fear and separation or to liberate and unify?
  • Your and Others’ Life Circumstances – The collective intensity of personal challenge—through death, disease, divorce, debt and other circumstances that most would deem worst case scenarios—has escalated. These types of events would be the ones to avoid in life as they are considered “tragic”, “unthinkable” or “devastating” according to the old program. If and when you find yourself facing these experiences, know that, in the context of the shift, they are designed to teach you how to overcome fear. In the process of going through these events, you will fortify your inner strength as you pull away from the conditioned belief system and increasingly build the sovereignty that is your birthright.
  • Extreme Weather Conditions – Just like her human inhabitants, Mother Earth is going through the same crises of purging and healing. New types of storms (like the Bomb Cyclone) with greater intensity and more power in the form of quick and severe flooding; giant hail; lightning and excessive wind are increasingly reported throughout the world. Many places globally are on fire, and as the years pass, each new year marks the hottest year ever recorded.
  • Changes in Space Weather – Truthers who, for years, have monitored space weather and sun activity including the magnetopause/magnetosphere, are identifying increasing shifts and anomalies in the magnetic interaction between the Earth and sun as well as interaction with clearly visible celestial bodies that have entered the Earth’s atmosphere and are being hidden using special equipment.
  • Climbing Schumann Resonance – The Schumann Resonance, which measures the base frequency of the planet, has increased from 7.83 Hz to spikes of more than 150 Hz from 2012 to the time of this writing (2019). This continues to trend upward.
  • Changes in the Appearance of the Sky – People worldwide are capturing unusual colors, patterns, shapes and forms in the sky, including cloud formations never or rarely seen before (noctilucent, square, triangle, shelf, roll and hole punch); clouds that cast shadows on what appears to be a simulated background; unusual stationary streaks, lines or beams in the sky; sun halos; sun dogs; double and triple rainbows; and increased pink and purple hues. While we cannot be sure of the cause of these signs in the sky, some believe they are engineered while others believe they are in part due to light-emitting gas giants and/or stellar cores from cloaked celestial bodies in close proximity to Earth. Sky anomalies have increased significantly from 2017 to 2024.
  • Changes in the Sun – There is growing evidence that an inbound planetary system comprising many celestial bodies of various sizes has entered the Earth’s atmosphere. To hide this reality, it’s possible that NASA and its global counterparts have invested trillions of dollars in a sun simulation system comprised of various components of space equipment and lenses that refract and reflect light. While this sounds bizarre, the evidence on FAA cameras seems indisputable. This equipment, in tandem with increased chemtrails, is thought to be in place to hide the planetary bodies by disguising when they eclipse our sun. By monitoring and isolating compelling video footage from FAA weather and space cameras all around the world, concerned, awakened citizens are capturing and exposing the fact that something unusual, whatever it may be, is happening in our skies.
  • Escalated UVA and UVB Levels – UVA and UVB measures from the sun have skyrocketed in the last few years, with spiking radiation levels and eye-witness reports of the sun melting formed plastics like bicycle helmets and playground equipment.
  • Unidentified Sky Objects – There have been increased personal reports captured through video footage of unexplained light formations in the day and night sky, along with unexplained or identifiable objects in motion, and in 2023, the Federal government finally admitted after years of denial and persecution of UFO “conspiracy theorists”, that humans are not alone in the universe. To me this has always seemed relatively obvious!
  • Mass Animal Die-Offs – Millions of birds, fish, crabs and other marine life have been turning up dead in massive numbers in multiple locations around the world.
  • Insect Plagues – Reports of huge, invasive insect swarms, including locusts, cockroaches and spiders, have been cited in Las Vegas, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil and other locations.
  • Increased Social Unrest and Violence – In the last several years, we have seen a disturbing upward trend in deadly school and public shootings, terrorist attacks, riots, social uprising and political disturbances and dramas worldwide.
  • Systemic and Institutional Downfalls – The people, systems and institutions we once trusted are being exposed for the inherent corruption, greed and control that has been hidden for centuries. Examples can be found in the US-Russia campaign interference; exposure of the widespread abuse of women and children through the institutions of Hollywood and the Catholic church; in Meta’s unauthorized mining of personal data without public consent; and in news reports that intentionally confuse and distract the public from determining truth. Just as things seem to be coming to head, there will be more disclosure to come.
  • QHHT Sessions – Pioneered by Dolores Canon in the 1960s, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy uses mild hypnosis to relax a person’s brainwave frequency so that he or she can access information from the multidimensional or higher self. QHHT sessions throughout the world have revealed a shared vision for ascension, including a visible light event or solar flash that is expected to raise the frequency of the planet and all of her inhabitants. Countless individuals in unrelated accounts use the same language to describe 5D, the shift and the solar flash event.

Considering this demonstrative evidence and as compared to the world in previous decades, there seems to be a clear unravelling taking place. These changes are resonating with people everywhere, who see and feel the difference in what is happening. It is not normal or living as usual. And it is escalating in intensity to the point where we might wonder: how much stranger can it possibly get? At the soul level, you signed up to come to Earth during the magnificent grand finale of Earth in 3D as we transition together to a higher octave based on love and unity consciousness. How fortunate we are to be here now! Have you had vivid dreams about a new, spectacular reality on the horizon? Is your life suddenly changing in ways you never anticipated? Do you have a feeling deep inside—in spite of the chaos in the outside world—that something awesome is about to take place with humanity and the planet? If so, you’re not alone.

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