Some people fear dying, and others fear living. When you banish fear of what might happen, you invite the wonder, surprise and magic of universal flow

Do you have preconceived notions about events, places, people or circumstances that stop you from engaging? Are you closed to new situations so that you don’t have to stretch yourself or leave your comfort zone? Do you resist change? It’s natural to gravitate toward comfort and familiarity, though too much of that good thing can lead to stagnation. To find fulfillment, have the courage to get your feet wet instead of admiring the rise and fall of the waves from the safety of the shore.

Some of us are attracting our best life, but we don’t know it, because when faced with new opportunities, we resist and reject the flow. What would happen if you said yes? Saying yes starts with paying attention to what is being offered. For example, a friend invites you to take a walk, during which you have a conversation that inspires new ideas for a project you’re working on. Or, out of the blue, a co-worker from years ago shares a link to an educational seminar he thought you might be interested in, and the opportunity is a perfect fit.

Instead of rejecting new opportunities without consideration—or making excuses that you don’t have the energy, time or money—take each in and sit with it to see how it resonates. Answer the phone when a friend calls. Go to the party where you don’t know anyone. Follow your gut instinct—this feeling is an invitation to engage in your life. You never know what opportunities and wonder await on the other side of seemingly small doorways that invite you into universal flow. Being in a “yes” state of mind is as simple as asking “why not?”

When you say YES, you:

  • Flow with life’s natural cascade of opportunities and experiences, which (regardless of whether you perceive them as painful or pleasurable, good or bad) work in tandem with your natural unfoldment
  • Expand your horizons, opening yourself to change and growth
  • Meet new people who can make your day, enrich your life, or even change your path entirely
  • Invite spontaneity and serendipity—when you open to universal flow, experiences of synchronicity, joy and wonder are a given
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