Working with Duality

Expand your consciousness by rising above duality

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Free Yourself from the Program

TV trains the mind to remain in a fear-based state of being

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Life Purpose: An Unfoldment

Being in the now delivers you to your purpose

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Stop Being Who You Are Not

Recognize how you reject your authenticity

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Say NO

Allow only that which brings you joy

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Invite new experiences that lead to growth

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Blocks to Your Ascension

Recognize and transform ways in which you lock yourself in low vibration

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Your Chosen Journey

Life is a perfect orchestration designed for your unfoldment

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Fear: Just a Story

Free yourself from fear by rewriting the stories you tell yourself

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Amplify Your Power

To be in your power, align with your light

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Distorted and Awakened Energies

Balance your inner masculine and feminine energy and heal the world

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Twin Flame Soul Contract

Twin flame contracts catapult your ascension and model unconditional love

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Message to Divine Feminine

You are dismantling distortion in masculine/feminine energies and ushering in the New Earth

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Divine Will vs. Free Will

You are guided by two forces that help you fulfill your mission and experience your life

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Master Your Emotions

Your personal and spiritual expansion rely on emotional mastery

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